Unit-1: Basic Aspects of International Law:: Nature and Basis of International Law, Definition of International Law, Relationship between Muncipal Law and International Law, Sources of International Law (Treaties custom, general principles, recognized by civilized Nation, ICJ decisions).
Unit-2: State as subject of international law: Essentials of statehood- not fully sovereign states and other entities, Right and duties of states, Modes of acquisition and loss of state territory, State responsibility.
Unit-3: Recognition, Succession: Concept of recognition, theories, kinds and consequences of
recognition, recognition.
Unit-4, Individual as a subject of International Law: The Basic modification, post charter position: Nationality, Extradition, UNO & Human Rights, UDHR, Covenant on Civil Political Rights, 1966, Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, 1966.
Unit-5: Equitable resource utilization and justification: Law of the Sea Air, Law of Outer Space, Common Heritage of Mankind. Unit-6: State Jurisdiction: Basis of Jurisdiction, Sovereign Immunity, Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities.
Unit-7: Treaties: Making of Treaty, Reservations to treaty, Pacta sunt servanda, Modes of
termination of treaty.
Unit-8: UNO, Principles and Purpose of UNO, Security Council (Composition, powers and functions), General Assembly (Composition, powers and functions, ECOSOC (Composition, powers and functions) Trusteeship Council, ICJ (Composition, types of jurisdiction) Unit-9: International Economic Institutions: a) WTO (Organization and functions) b) IMF (Compositions, powers and functions) c) IBRD (Composition, powers & function) and d) UNCTAD.
Books Recommended:
1. Oppenhiem, International Law, Longman, 9th Edn
2. Ian Bronnlie, Principles of Public Internal Law Oxford University Press,
3. Malcom N Shaw, International Law, Cambridge Publication.
4. H.O Agarwal;. International Law and Human Rights, Central Law Publications Allahabad. 5. S.K.Kapoor, Public International Law, Central Law Agency.
6. J.G.Starke, Introduction to International law, Aditya Books, New Delhi.
7. S.K. Varma, An Introduction to International Law, Printice Hall of India, New Delhi
8. Bowett, International Institutions.
9. International Law; Sir Robert Jennings and Sir Arthur Watts (ed) Longman
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